Mad dash

29th Nov 2015

Like many other teams, we’ve now appreciating how much there is left to do with only a week before the competition. On the bright side, we’re all managing to put in a bit of crucial extra time. Tonight we met at our space (I think for the first time we’ve ever hired it on a Sunday) to work on our modules:

I (Mark) was working on the wire routing, with Paul’s help:

2015-11-29 20.02.19









(Our speed controllers don’t quite fit, so we lost time hacking at the prints to make room)


Dave (also with Paul’s help) was working on getting the LCD display working, so that we can easily see what menu/challenge code we’re running:

2015-11-29 20.02.49









(Hopefully we can get a video of it working tomorrow, it’s looking really slick)


Rob was working on turning my terrible code into something that actually works:

2015-11-29 20.02.26









Mike was working on his solid looking ball launcher for the skittles challenge:

2015-11-29 20.01.59









And here’s the robot as it stands now, a nice looking but empty body shell and an overly complicated RC car:

2015-11-29 22.20.15









What’s left to do?  well, by challenge:

Obstacle course:

  • We could enter this now but it’d be nice to have all the components in the new body shell. That needs a load of wiring doing
  • Practice driving


  • Mount arms to the servos on the ball launcher
  • All the wiring (both power and signal)*
  • Write some code that allows the wii mote to control the servos and the spinner motors*

Pi Noon:

  • Design and print a wire holder*
  • Practice driving

Straight line speed test:

  • We could also enter this now but we really want to do it autonomously
  • Design and print the distance sensor holder / bumper
  • Design and print the second (boost) battery holder
  • Turn my pseudo code into real code

Three point turn:

  • Finish designing the camera/line sensor mount and print it out
  • Design and print the beacon
  • Get the basic code working*
  • Tune the timings*

Line follower:

  • Finish designing the line sensor mount and print it out*
  • Turn my pseudo code into real code*
  • Tune it*

Proximity alert

  • Turn my pseudo code into real code*
  • Design and print the attachment for our probe
  • Tune it

* = high priority

T-6 days? Agghhhh!